How does the psychiatrist deal with his stress?
the psychiatrist
How does the psychiatrist deal with his psychological stress? people say the psychiatrist is the most person who suffers from mental illnesses. is that correct?

How does the psychiatrist deal with his psychological stress? Many repeat a saying without thinking about it or its logic and its conformity with reality. This saying says: The psychiatrist is the most person who suffers from mental illnesses.
Before thinking about this statement realistically, we have to ask: What makes people say such a statement? What really is mental illness? is dealing with a mentally ill patient causes mental illness? If the psychiatrist suffers from stress or mental illness, how can he be treated?
What really is mental illness?
Mental illness is a wide range of mental health disorders affecting mood, thinking, and behavior. Examples of mental illnesses include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, anorexia, and addictive behaviors.
Many people face mental health issues from time to time. But mental health issues become a mental illness when persistent signs and symptoms cause repetitive stress and affect your ability to work.
Mental illness can make you miserable, and it can cause problems in your daily life, such as at school or work, or in your relationships with other people. In most cases, symptoms can be managed with a combination of medication and talk therapy (psychotherapy).
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Are we really all mentally ill?
Dr. Hisham Zikrallah, Psychiatry and addiction specialist, says: The idea that (we are all mentally ill) is a very naive idea because logically if we are all mentally ill, then mental illness becomes a natural thing because illness by definition is a healthy deviation of a person from the limits of health according to the statistical rates in his society.
With regard to mental illness, we all, in one way or another, have abnormal features that differ from one person to another, but in the end, they are considered within acceptable limits that do not lead to deviation in behavior and a defect in the person’s professional or social functions.
As for when a person has a set of abnormal (characteristics) to a greater degree than the general average and leads to disturbance in his functional and social life, here we call the person a psychological patient.
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What makes people say such a statement about the psychiatrist?
Why do people say that psychiatrists are the most people who suffer from mental illnesses? Keep in touch with me to know How does the psychiatrist deal with his psychological stress.
The tragic end of the deadly depression disease, whose last victim was the psychiatrist who committed suicide, who jumped from a residential tower, and posted on Facebook before his death about his depression and his desire to commit suicide, saying: “if I am going to the same fate inevitably, why don’t I go to this fate quickly?” referring to death.
Besides, the psychiatrist who committed suicide threw himself from his psychological clinic. Also, the psychiatrist committed suicide. when he threw himself from a building and died before being transferred to the hospital.
One study revealed that the suicide rate among those who practice medical professions is the highest among doctors specializing in anesthesia, and then psychiatrists occupy the third place.
In this context, we discuss the causes and motives that lead psychiatrists to depression that leads to suicide, how it can be avoided, prevented, and treated, the drama stereotype about psychiatrists as having eccentric personalities, and many exciting details about psychiatrists’ depression.
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Is dealing with mentally ill patient causes mental illness for the psychiatrist?
A psychiatrist is a sensitive person who is attentive and aware of his personal defects and is not ignorant of them or denying them. His awareness of his inner worlds and struggles prompted him to study this science to understand himself and the behavior of others around him.
The job of psychiatry requires a high degree of psychological perfection in order to be able to transcend the abnormal behaviors that deals with, in addition to sensitivity and high awareness of feelings, analysis of the causes of behavior, and emotional and social intelligence. So you see many Psychologists have literary, poetic, and artistic inclinations because psychiatry combines science, literature, and art.
The presence of a psychiatrist in an environment of mental illnesses through daily dealings with patients who suffer from psychological problems may affect his mood and his psychological state and may put him under constant pressure in order to help his patients recover from mental illnesses.
Especially since these diseases require a long time for treatment, The patient may suffer from them throughout his life, and it may affect him in a way that makes it difficult for him to adapt to life and people, and the patient may think of suicide or actually commit suicide.
Can you imagine the feeling of a psychiatrist when he hears that his patient has committed suicide? How does he feel? What is the effect of this news on his psychological state and his work performance? These are all difficulties experienced by the psychiatrist and he needs to deal with and manage them intelligently.
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How can the psychiatrist deal with his stress or mental illness?
Some psychiatrists, when suffering from stress or mental illness, hide it for fear of society’s negative view of them. With the disease hidden from people, the psychological pressure on him increases, and he pretends to appear contrary to his reality, and thus the pressure increases.
The Psychiatrist needs to take a break from his treatment of patients so that he does not become anxious and depressed and separate the medical conditions in his clinic from his personal life with sports, walking, and favorite hobbies, and consider the patient as an individual case, that we sympathize with in a way that does not affect the conscience of the treating physician.
The Psychiatrist has to feel the patient without getting involved in his condition, putting a foot inside him to feel him, and a foot outside so that he can save him.
In the end, after identifying 4 effective ways to deal with the stress that the psychiatrist may feel, the psychiatrist must not interact excessively with his patients and try not to get caught up in the affairs of his patients all the time, and practice a hobby that gets him out of the patients’ details, and if he feels symptoms of mental illness, he has to go to one of his close friends who are a psychiatrist.
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