Diabetic care 2023; and deal with the complications of this disease

Diabetic care 2023

diabetes care; How to take better care of a diabetic patient, what are the best tips for those in charge of this? Learn about diabetic nursing care.

Diabetic care 2023; Diabetes is not an ordinary thing, it requires action to change the patient’s way of life; In order not to have any fatal complications of this chronic disease. In this article, we will get to know more clearly how to care for diabetics “Diabetic care”, by presenting the basics of this care, and providing tips for the diabetic patient and the parents who care for him, as well as we will learn about the nursing care of the diabetic patient, and what the doctor does when the patient visits him. We will also learn the most important information about nutrition for diabetics, exercises for diabetics, how to deal with diabetic coma, and deal with the complications of this disease.

Basics of diabetes care 2023

There are some basics related to diabetes care, which are important points that the patient’s health care provider (parents or a member of the medical staff) must understand well; Because it will help him in caring for a diabetic. In the following, we will mention the 12 most  important principles of caring:

  • Diabetic care Understand diabetes.
  • Developing a diabetes care plan is important for the attending physician.
  • Learn about diabetes essentials.
  • Learning how to manage your blood sugar levels, is important in care planning.
  • Understand the healthy eating habits of the patient, i.e. have a good understanding of diabetic nutrition.
  • Exercising regularly is beneficial for the patient, and this is of course after getting to know the doctor about the appropriate exercises for the condition.
  • Monitor the patient’s health regularly, and monitor blood sugar levels.
  • Managing stress levels and the patient’s mental health.
  • Understand the benefits of medication to the patient, and which types are beneficial for him.
  • Know the rights of a diabetic patient.
  • Good management of any complications of diabetes.
  • Understanding the good management of diabetic coma, from patient primary care.
  • Diabetic foot care is essential.

Tips for a diabetic

An image of a stethoscope and glucose meters on a light blue background when talking about advice for a diabetic patient
Best tips for a diabetic

Patient advice is a component of a diabetes care plan. Among the most important tips for diabetics that are useful in reducing high blood sugar while reducing the symptoms of high diabetes: daily exercise for about half an hour, avoiding smoking, reducing stress, learning relaxation techniques and how to do deep breathing exercises, as they are beneficial for the patient, and ensuring daily sleep. For a sufficient period of 7 to 9 hours.

Also, among the tips for a diabetic patient is to drink water in sufficient quantity to maintain body moisture, conduct frequent checks of blood sugar levels, and take insulin or other medications on time, according to the doctor’s prescription. At the same time, a person with diabetes needs to make sure that they follow a balanced diet, and that they get adequate amounts of protein and healthy fats.

It is also important to have light meals to help keep blood sugar levels stable, such as fruits and vegetables, and it is recommended to have some candy or sugar on hand in case your blood sugar is low. In addition to the above, it is important for the patient to check the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood while maintaining them at the normal rate, to take care of the teeth, to pay attention to the condition of the feet by washing, drying and moisturizing them, to follow up on ulcers and any redness in them, and to review the attending physician if necessary.

The patient should not take aspirin daily except after consulting the attending physician and with a medical prescription appropriate to the situation.
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Diabetic nursing care

Nursing care for a diabetic patient is an important part of managing the disease and maintaining good health for the patient, and it includes daily monitoring of blood sugar levels, and regular visits to the doctor for further tests and check-ups to ensure the patient’s safety. This also includes educating patients about the importance of taking care of their feet and skin, and washing and drying their feet daily to prevent the build-up of bacteria.

In addition, health care providers also play a role in nutritional therapy (providing nutritional advice to the patient) giving insulin injections when necessary along with other prescribed medications, while teaching patients about insulin injections and other treatments. Other elements of diabetic nursing care include treating any wounds, removing stitches after surgeries, evaluating treatment, and making any necessary changes.

In addition to the above, diabetes nurses play a key role in helping patients understand their condition (diabetes care and education), manage their symptoms, understand their treatment, and make changes that can help them live healthier lives.

What happens when you visit a doctor?

There are some things that the doctor should check at each visit of a diabetic patient, which fall within the framework of diabetes care, and they are the following:

  • Review the history of blood sugar test results.
  • Blood pressure measurement.
  • care including: weighing the patient.
  • Review your diabetes medication plan.
  • Examination of the feet, especially examining the nerves and arteries of the feet.
  • food plan.
  • Physical activity and exercise plan.
  • Urge the patient to stop smoking if he is a smoker:
    For your information, stopping smoking is one of the diabetes prevention methods.
  • Teaching the patient the best and correct way to deal with distress, psychological problems, and daily stressors.

In addition, there are some things that the doctor and patient should do once or twice a year, which are:

  • Hemoglobin A1C test: conducted at least twice a year.
  • Various blood lipid analyses.
  • Renal function analysis.
  • eye check.
  • Dental examination twice a year at the dentist.
  • Giving the influenza vaccine annually.

Diabetic nutrition within the foundations of Diabetic care 2023

A picture with a group of healthy foods that come within Diabetic nutrition
Diabetic nutrition

Nutrition for patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, or what is known as a diabetic diet, is a very important sign within the diabetes care plan, as the food that the patient eats will affect the patient’s sugar levels either by raising or lowering them or moderate effect; Therefore, the patient’s family, members of the medical staff, and the patient himself need to take into account the nutrition of diabetics, and the best diet for diabetics includes the following:

  • Eat fatty fish from the best 10 foods for diabetics.
  • Eat leafy green vegetables, eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, broccoli, and avocado.
  • Eat non-starchy vegetables, such as artichokes, celery, cucumbers, and onions.
  • Eat healthy fats, such as virgin olive oil and avocado oil.
  • Eat some fruits, such as berries, citrus fruits, and apples.
  • Interest in eating protein, such as turkey, beans, tofu, and cheese.
  • Eat whole grains, such as brown rice, wheat bread, quinoa, barley, and bulgur.
  • Eat low-fat or fat-free dairy products, including unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened soy milk, low-fat cheese, and milk cream.
  • Eating seeds, including chia seeds and flax seeds.
  • Limit salt intake.
  • Avoiding certain foods that diabetics should avoid, include:
    • Sugar-sweetened drinks, energy drinks, soft drinks, and fruit juices.
    • dried fruits.
    • Foods are rich in trans fats.
    • Honey, maple syrup.
    • Cakes, biscuits.
    • White bread, white rice, and white pasta.
    • prepared foods.
    • Sweetened breakfast cereal.
    • Potato chips, french fries.
    • Baked goods that contain trans fats.
    • Processed meats are prohibited for diabetics.
In short, the forbidden food for diabetics includes foods that contain white flour, foods rich in saturated fats, and foods rich in sugars.

Advice for caregivers of diabetic patients

For diabetes caregivers, they need to understand basic information about diabetes, such as the type of diabetes the patient has; This is essential in achieving proper diabetes care. It is also important for caregivers to regularly check the patient’s blood pressure, weight, feet, and insulin injection sites, and to perform a hemoglobin test for blood sugar twice a week.

Also, among the guidelines for dealing with diabetes, be sure to check the patient’s feet after physical activity for blisters, irritation, cuts, or other injuries. It is also helpful to allow friends to help support the diabetic patient. This has a role in improving the psychological state of the patient and psychological support from the appropriate support that a diabetic patient needs.

In addition to the above, the health care provider must follow up on the patient’s good oral and dental hygiene by brushing their teeth twice a day, as well as making sure that they get enough sleep, as this all comes within the framework of achieving good care for the patient.

In some cases, it may be important to integrate the patient into a community of his own, that is, to get to know other people with this disease, and this can be through social networking groups and forums, or through the Diabetes Care Association that also provides care services for them, or a diabetes care center. The patient can also follow up on news about this disease, such as following up on Diabetes Care Magazine and recent news related to this disease, including many news on the occasion of World Diabetes Day.

In the case of wounds, diabetic caregivers must take care of them on time to avoid infection and inflammation, while understanding how to provide first aid in the event of hypoglycemia.

Diabetic exercise one of the Diabetic care

An image of an elderly man crossing the road, as part of the benefits of sports, which are part of Diabetic care
Diabetic exercise from the Diabetic care

Exercise is important for a diabetic patient and is part of the care of the patient with diabetes that should be taken care of. It is generally an important part of diabetes treatment and management, as it has been proven that exercise helps the body use insulin more efficiently, reduce the need for medications, and lower blood sugar levels. . Aerobic exercise can also help reduce the risk of complications for those taking insulin or diabetes tablets.

In addition, regular exercise has an additional benefit for diabetics, which is reduced stress, improved mood, and the release of happiness hormones. Before doing exercises for a diabetic patient, you should consult a specialist doctor to determine the most appropriate type for the patient, which is commensurate with his health condition.

Walking is one of the most important exercises for a diabetic, and it is a great way for the patient to stay active, and other exercises can be beneficial as well, such as swimming, cycling, jogging, and strength training are all good exercises for diabetics. Diabetics need to check their blood sugar before, during, and after exercise to avoid any potential problems. Diabetics should do at least 150 minutes of exercise per week. When exercising for a person with diabetes, it is important to start slowly and increase the intensity gradually.

Exercising regularly is a great way for diabetics to maintain their health.

Dealing with diabetic coma

Diabetic coma is one of the most serious complications of diabetes, and it is an emergency that can threaten the life of any diabetic patient if there is no rapid intervention and first aid for the patient. , and this would be as follows:

  • Call 911 to request immediate assistance.
  • Measurement of the patient’s blood sugar level.
  • Give the patient an injection of glucagon.
  • The need to pay attention not to try to give the sick person any fluids or insulin:
    This is if his blood sugar drops to a level less than 70 milligrams/deciliter.
  • It is better not to give the patient anything and just wait for the ambulance to arrive:
    This is if your blood sugar level is higher than 70 mg/dL.
  • Inform the emergency team of the diabetic coma first aid steps you have taken before they arrive.

Ways to prevent a diabetic coma that the patient and the members of the diabetes care team should know include: eating healthy food: monitoring the level of sugar in the blood, not overexerting, adhering to taking medications and providing appropriate treatment for coma.

Coma: It is the complete loss of consciousness by the patient so that he cannot sense places, sounds, or any external influences around him. Diabetic coma is a serious condition that affects people with diabetes and must be treated in the hospital immediately; Because it is a life-threatening situation.

Dealing with diabetes complications

There are several ways to avoid complications, which are essential in comprehensive diabetes care, namely:

  • Adherence to diabetes medication.
  • Daily blood sugar check, which is one of the foundations of diabetes care:
  • Understand the appropriate solution that a diabetic patient needs to regulate his blood sugar level.
  • People with diabetes should stop smoking.
  • Control of blood pressure and cholesterol levels is an approach to diabetes treatment and care.
  • Schedule medical checkups for diabetes as well as regular eye exams.
  • Receiving prescribed immunizations and vaccinations, such as influenza vaccine, pneumonia vaccine, and hepatitis B vaccine.
  • People with diabetes should take care of their teeth.
  • Pay attention to your feet: One of the important things about diabetes is to avoid diabetic foot.
  • Consider taking a daily aspirin after consulting your doctor.
  • Stop drinking one of the diabetic supplies.
  • Take stress seriously.

What are 5 treatments for diabetes?

Diabetes treatment can vary based on type and severity. For type 1 diabetes, treatment includes insulin injections or the use of an insulin pump, frequent blood sugar checks, and carbohydrate counting. For type 2 diabetes, the most commonly prescribed medication is metformin, which works primarily by lowering glucose levels. Other treatments for diabetes include:
  • weight-loss (bariatric) surgery for certain people.
  • rapid-acting medications.
  • pancreatic islet transplantation for some people.
Additionally, a diabetic diet and exercise are also important components of diabetes management. All of these treatments may be adjusted depending on individual circumstances, so it's important to talk to your healthcare provider about which treatment plan is best for you.

How do you take care of diabetes?

Everyone's needs are unique, so it is important to find out the best treatment option that works for individual needs, including healthy food choices, insulin shots, and regular blood sugar checks. How do you take care of diabetes? you can do it by:
  • Taking care of diabetes means making sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water or other fluids that don't add calories, such as tea.
  • Those taking insulin may need to sip sugar-based drinks as well.
  • It is important to check your feet every day for cuts, blisters, red spots, and other changes.
  • Eating healthy food is also essential for managing diabetes.
  • Staying active most days is also important for managing diabetes.
  • Eat fiber-rich foods to help maintain blood sugar levels.

What is the main cause of diabetes?

The main cause of diabetes is having too much glucose circulating in the bloodstream. This is the case regardless of the type of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by the immune system attacking and destroying the cells in the pancreas that make insulin, while Type 2 diabetes results from the body's ineffective use of insulin. Being overweight and having an inactive lifestyle are two of the most common causes of type 2 diabetes, along with family history, age, and race. It is important to know that high blood sugar is a symptom of diabetes, but not the root cause. The root cause of diabetes is excess insulin, not excess blood sugar.

In this article, we learned about the field of “Diabetic care 2023” by presenting the most important and prominent points related to this important and sensitive issue for any diabetic patient. By adhering to the above, any healthcare provider can support the diabetes management plan, avoid any potential and serious complications of this disease, and take proper care of diabetes. To continuous care and support, do not skimp on diabetes care according to what is available to you.

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